2000 to present
Neil Rector, Thou Shalt, (October, 2024)
Mark Real, Finishing the Job, (April 2024)
Sean Allen, Dystopia Now, (March 2024)
Brent Mulgrew, Really?!, (February 2024)
Ed Sadar, Tito: Not Just Vodka, (January 2024)
Jack Beeler, A Philanthropist's Journeys, (December 2023)
Jim Carpenter, Aria - An Angel in my Ear, (November 2023)
Walter Zinn, Battling Cracks in a Deluge: Food Insecurity in America?, October 2023)
Tom Katzenmeyer, Possible Spam, (April 2023)
Greg Browning, Connections, (March 2023)
Ewout Leeuwenburg, Managing a Perpetual Struggle by Befriending the Enemy, Slides, (February 2023)
Michael Schoedinger, The Most Important Man in America, (January 2023)
Richard Herrmann, For Whom the Bell Tolls? (December 2022)
Richard J. Helmreich, Velocipede: Who Knew?, (November 2022)
John Soderburg, Jacketing Ohio, (October 2022)
Bruce D. Judd (Guest), A Flaneur's Guide to Secrets of the City of Light, (May 2022)
Patrick Osmer, A Genius of a Different Kind, (April 2022)
Tom Hayden, What Happens to a Dynasty?, (March, 2022)
Allen Proctor, The Biggest Toy, (February 2022)
John Schuman, The Missing Links, (slides), (January 2022)
Phil Schneider, Go West, Young Man, (December, 2021)
Tom Rieland, The Path to Pearl - 100 Years in the Making, (slides), (November 2021)
Neil Rector, Western Sun, (October 2021)
Dr. Andy Thomas (Guest Essayist), The OSU Experience with COVID 19, (May 2021)
Gary Ness, That Young Lieutenant, (April 2021)
Glen Miles, Someone's Knocking on the Door, (March 2021)
Ryan Burgess, The Chief Fellow, (February 2021)
Kevin Malhame, Steamships and Coyotes, (January 2021)
Dick Burnett, Not This, But That, (December 2020)
Tom Johnson, And That's All She Wrote , (November 2020)
Bill Klatt, Who Woulda Thunk It?, (October 2020)
Michael Rosen (Guest Essayist), It's Lighter than You Think, (September 2020)
​Rick Richards, You Bastard! (February 2020)
Walter Zinn, Military Dictatorship: A View from Below (January 2020)
Ron Pizzuti and Tom Katzenmeyer, A Conversation (December 2019)
Herb Brown, Did It Really Happen? (November 2019)
Tom Katzenmeyer, Do Something (October 2019)
Steve Steinberg, Jolly Old England! (April, 2019)
Ernest Perry, The Star Spangled Banner (March 2019)
Ty Marsh, Tales of a Bleeding-Heart Liberal -- Tourniquet Applied, (February 2019)
Greg Browning, A Good Story (January 2019)
David Staley, Reading the Earth (December 2018)
Bob Shook, The Business of America is Business (November 2018)
Arnett Howard, Women (October, 2018)
Sean Allen, For Whom the Bell Tolls (April, 2018)
Ed Sadar, Green with Envy (March 2018)
Roger Sugarman, Back to the Future - Part 2 (February 2018)
Bob Wandel, An Island Nation (January 2018)
Mark Real, A Living Legacy: America's National Parks (December 2017)
Jim Carpenter, Who Slept in His Best Bed? (November 2017)
Mike Abrams, Get Outta Here (October 2017)
Sid Druen, peas & queues (May 2017)
Mike Schoedinger, The Last Guy to Let You Down (April 2017)
Bill Bennett, Grit, (March 2017)
Todd Tuney, The Final Frontier, (January 2017)
John Soderberg, Species of Awe, (December 2016)
Tom Rieland, Sky of Plenty, (November 2016)
Artie Isaac, Agnotology & Gender, (October 2016)
Terry Davis, The Meaning of “Life”, (May 2016)
Scott Powell, Vérité, (April 2016)
Warren Tyler, Got Almonds?, (March 2016)
Ric Petry, The Best Laid Plans, (slides) (February 2016)
Jim Ginter, Just Pick a Number, (January 2016)
Dick Burnett, Brotherly Love (slides), (December 2015)
Rich Simpson, Bibliology 101 (slides), (October 2015)
Herb Brown, Life With Father, (May 2015)
Luke Feck, In the Nick of Timeless, (April 2015)
Allen Proctor, 1640, (March 2015)
Bob Loversidge, A Slow Comfortable Screw, (February 2015)
Gary Ness, But For Ohio...?, (January 2015)
Ted Thomas, The Queen of Hearts, (December 2014)
Tom Katzenmeyer, When Harry Met Sally, Or Not?, (November 2014)
Arnett Howard, The Way It Used to Be, (October, 2014)
Denny Griffith, Song of the Goose, (May 2014)
Bill Klatt, I Like The Sound of That, (April 2014)
Dan Heinlen, Ready, Set, STOP!, (March 2014)
Walter Zinn, A Loop in the Sea, (February 2014)
Brent Mulgrew, The One, (January 2014)
Greg Browning, A New Adventure (exhibits), (December 2013)
Brent DeVore, 12.24, (November 2013)
David Staley, Iterations, (October 2013)
Ron Rosbottom, Moving Boney's Parts (plus slides), (May 2013)
Jim Carpenter, American Idylls or Idols? (plus poem), (April 2013)
Rick Richards, Out Of This World, (March 2013)
Ty Marsh, Is The Prescription Worth The Medicine?, (February 2013)
Denny Griffith, Celo, Happiness, and Intentional Community, (January 2013)
George Meiling, Vignettes, (December 2012)
Bob Wandel, Three To Remember, (November 2012)
Mark Real, Club 45: No Easy Decisions, (October 2012)
Ron Pizzuti, A Private Tour of the Collection (May 2012)
Ric Petry, Links, (April 2012) (The essay has not yet been posted. Here's the flowchart.)
Arnett Howard, Operation Happiness, (March 2012)
Pat Osmer, The Road To Tucapel, (February 2012)
Roger Sugarman, Back to the Future, (January 2012)
Tom Rieland, Crimson Roses, (December 2011)
Ed Sadar, Interpreting My Kit Kit Portrait, (November 2011)
Bob Shook, Brand New, (October 2011)
George Paulson, Time And Change Will Surely Show: A Century of Kit Kat, (Annual Meeting, May 2011)
Al Kuhn, The Kit Kat Essay (Centennial Reunion), (April 2011)
Mike Young, The Italian Navigator (1911-1928), (March 2011)
Artie Isaac, What Now? (1929-1938), (February 2011)
Dick Burnett, A Pillow Case (1939-1949) , (January 2011)
Rick Herrmann, Becoming US (1950-1963), (December 2010)
Don Shackelford, The Heffalump Trap (1964-1975), (November 2010)
Jim Ginter, 35 Years of Accelerating Depletion -- OR -- Whose Fish Are They Anyway? (1976-2010), (October 2010)
Terry Davis, annual meeting guest essayist, Fourth Quarter, (May 2010)
Scott Powell, High Hopes, (April 2010)
Chris DeRose, Keeping Up In A World All A Twitter, (March 2010)
Rich Simpson, EFI, (February 2010)
Bill Milligan, Was the American Revolution a Mistake? (January 2010)
Sean Allen, Degenerative Retinal Disorder In Mures Musculi: An Update, (December 2009)
Warren Tyler, The Samurai Had No Choice, (November 2009)
Herb Brown, All In, (October 2009)
Jack Chester, Seapower, (April 2009)
Sid Druen, Tess, We Hardy Knew You, (March 2009)
Tad Jeffrey, Manufacturing Matters: A Second Look, (February 2009)
Bob Loversidge, Give An Inch, Take A Mile, (January 2009)
Jim Carpenter, Amerigo's Niece, (December 2008)
Gary Ness, Old News, (November 2008)
Allen Proctor, You Had To Be There, (October 2008)
Arthur Nemitoff, Of Eyes And Hearts, (May 2008)
Joe Reed, More Than A Gathering Place, (April 2008)
Jon York, With My Little Eyes: The Outsider Men Who Dreamed and Built Hollywood, (March 2008)
Rick Richards, When Did I Choose?, (February 2008)
Ty Marsh, Got Milk?, (January 2008)
Brent Mulgrew, Round and Round, (December 2007)
Bill Laidlaw, Were the Chinese Here First?, (November 2007)
Mark Real, Did I Learn Anything While Visiting 75 Countries?, (October 2007)
John Mueller (guest essayist), Overblown (May, 2007)
Tom Moyer, Give Up The Ship, (April 2007)
Rich Simpson, Where Have All The Great Men Gone?, March 2007
Denny Griffith, Giving and Getting, (February 2007)
Greg Browning, The Future Is Here, (January 2007)
Phil Schneider, Was Kilroy Here?, (December 2006)
Bob Wandel, How Did We Get Here? (November, 2006)
Michael Scanlon, A Penny for Your Thoughts (October, 2006)
Steven A. Hawley, (Guest Essayist), 2 Aborts, 5 Flights, 28 Years, 1000 Stories (May, 2006)
Warren Tyler, Homeland Security (April, 2006)
Dan Heinlen, BANG! (March 2006)
Tom Lurie, The Mendoza Discovery (February, 2006)
Brent DeVore, How Do You Spell Diversity? (January, 2006)
George Meiling, The Price of Loyalty (December 2005)
Richard Burnett, No Place Like Here (November, 2005)
Herb Brown, Richard Nixon's Greatest Game (October, 2005)
Susan Peterson (Guest Essayist), The 21st Century Media Revolution: Confessions from a Recovering Reporter (May, 2005)
Dick Emens, Innate, Manufactured, or Serendipitous (April, 2005)
Ralph Lach, Arghh! He Just Wants to Be Different (March, 2005)
Jim Ginter, The Lost Key (February, 2005)
Gary Ness, de Tocqueville Revisited (January 2005)
John Easton, Stay Tuned (December 2004)
Bill Milligan, A Free Lunch (November 2004)
Fred Milford, Gee Whiz (October, 2004)
David Deming (Guest Essayist), The Balancing Act of an Artist/Survivor in Contemporary Times or "How Long Can I Keep All These Balls in the Air Simultaneously?" (May 2004)
Ed Clay, It Don't Mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing (April 2004)
Rowland Brown, Why Greenspan Worries about Deflation and Inflation (March 2004)
Richard Petry, How Did Everything Get So Complicated? (February 2004)
Chip Elliott, The Other George Washington (January, 2004)
Artie Isaac, Word of Mouth (December 2003)
Mike Young, Shoot the River, Save the Land (November 2003)
Pat Osmer, Seeing Back to the Beginning (October 2003)
John Gobell (Guest Essayist), Fiction and the Historic Thriller (May 2003)
Mike Curtin, As It Is Written (April 2003)
Don Shackelford, As Thy Purse Shall Bear (March 2003)
Bob Wandel, When Is This This? (February 2003)
George Paulson, Pale Horse, Pale Rider, Done Stole My Lover Away (January 2003)
Irv Lippman, Architecture of the Manger (December 2002)
Jim Carpenter, Colonel Johnson, Meet Allah Akbar (November 2002)
Mike Scanlon, Always a Borrower or a Lender Be (October 2002)
Max De Pree, Guest Essayist), (May 2002)
Al Kuhn, On Reading (April 2002)
Allen Proctor, The Road Not Taken (March 2002)
David Van Dyke, Our Peculiar Institution (February 2002)
Tad Jeffrey, Washington Gladden, Prophet of the Social Gospel (January, 2002)
Greg Browning, Past Becomes Present (December 2001)
Warren Tyler, To Protect and Serve (November 2001)
Fred Milford, Confluence (October 2001)
Denny Griffith, Looking Forward/Looking Backward (April 2001)
Richard Burnett, Lightin' Out for the Territories (1893...and Regions Beyond) (March 2001)
John Chester, An Old Subject Revisited (February 2001)
George Paulson, Alas! Poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio...To what base uses we may return, Horatio! (January 2001)
Mark Feinknopf, To Be or Not to Be (December 2000)
Brent DeVore, And Then There Was One (November 2000)
Phil Schneider, Much Ado About Nothing (October 2000)
Jerry Hultin (Guest Essayist), (May 2000)
Jon York, X + Y = Z (April 2000)
Paul Otte, The Journey Never Ends (March 2000)
Dan Heinlen, Clubbing with Restraint (February 2000)
George Meiling, Gary's Garden and Beyond (January 2000)